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Thursday, October 25, 2007

Second Second Life

For those of you in class who are not "The Office" fans (I know that sounds impossible but I'm relatively sure there is at least one amongst us who does not regularly watch one of the best comedies on TV) tonight's episode contained a storyline that revolved around Second Life. Dwight was so depressed that he created an island in Second Life called "Second Second Life" for people who want to be even more removed from reality. I'm sure if that island doesn't currently exist it will by the time you read this post. Go check it out! Any way I think its funny how what we are talking about in class has worked its way onto an Emmy award winning comedy. I guess this Second Life stuff really is a big deal. Now if only I could get my avatar to actually have MY hair. Dang it.

Watch The Office w/ Second Life Here!


Unknown said...

You should also check out SL CSI. I heard they have a lot of cool stuff going on there.

Diana L. said...

.... i was just inspired to look up my favorite shows, lol... keep ya posted