Which OS do you prefer for non-power user tasks? (Geeky enough for you?)

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Second Second Life

For those of you in class who are not "The Office" fans (I know that sounds impossible but I'm relatively sure there is at least one amongst us who does not regularly watch one of the best comedies on TV) tonight's episode contained a storyline that revolved around Second Life. Dwight was so depressed that he created an island in Second Life called "Second Second Life" for people who want to be even more removed from reality. I'm sure if that island doesn't currently exist it will by the time you read this post. Go check it out! Any way I think its funny how what we are talking about in class has worked its way onto an Emmy award winning comedy. I guess this Second Life stuff really is a big deal. Now if only I could get my avatar to actually have MY hair. Dang it.

Watch The Office w/ Second Life Here!

Saturday, October 20, 2007

Capstone Project: Wiki Technology

For my group I'll be supporting the wiki technology section. Its really interesting how prevalent this information dissemination apparatus truly is. Its everywhere! And its growing in popularity because so many people love to use it. Imagine if google and wikipedia teamed up... They would rule the world!

Why Gmail is AWESOME

Has anyone noticed that gmail is providing more space for you inbox than ever before? Of course it always used to increase slowly but now its increasing in size by leaps and bounds! At present its at ~4010 MB per user. Remember 4096 MB is 4GB... That is just ridiculous. Google rocks!

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Gettin' Political... Well not exactly

Hey guys I don't know how much you all are into politics (or not into politics) but this is a pretty cool website to give you information on where the presidential hopefuls stand on the issues. Well at least a small selection of the issues.

MSNBC Candidate Matrix

This website allows you to read up on what the republican and democratic candidates believe and also watch videos where they discuss the topic. Also its pretty cool because it allows you to indicate how strongly you believe or disbelieve in the candidate's views. After you finish voting the matrix will display a red/green chart indicating where the various candidates align with your beliefs. Its a good tool to help you decide. Don't forget to do your civic duty and vote in 2008.

I'll Trust You If You Trust Me... Maybe

In case you didn't see it on Dr. Ahmad's Blog:

Main focus is reasons why or why not people trust other people. The author discusses 10 specific items people consider when deciding to trust. Personally I find Alignment of Interests to be the most interesting topic. What you guys all think. Alignment of Interests is the most prevalent concern in business because people want to make sure they aren't going to be “screwed” by their boss or co-worker. There are always people out there looking to do whatever it takes to get to the top and those people are the reason why it is difficult to trust other people at work. I know that most of the time at work I follow the CYA principle (Cover Your A**) because I'm never sure what my manager is really trying to do.
Interestingly on the “how do you relate trust to communication” many people seem to take the silence is gold approach. People don't know who they can trust so it is better not to let too much slip or align yourself to closely with another co-worker.
One thing I'm not sure I entirely agree with this author is that the decision to trust comes down to these 10 thought processes. On page 4 of the case study, they give an example of a company laying off employees and then giving the CEO a bonus. I think this is the perfect example of why people don't trust the management. But sometimes there is just more to it. We as evolutionary creatures develop a sixth sense about things, we had to or we wouldn't have survived (survival of the fittest anyone...). Some people just rub you the wrong way and you know they can't be trusted. When I experience a feeling like that I don't ask myself 10 questions I go with my gut. Going with the gut hasn't failed me yet. What do you guys all think?

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Video Game Cheating: That means you Second Life!

Here is an interesting story on cheating in the video game industry and a quick reference to a Lawyer here in PA that is suing Linden Labs for some issues in Second Life:
