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Saturday, October 20, 2007

Capstone Project: Wiki Technology

For my group I'll be supporting the wiki technology section. Its really interesting how prevalent this information dissemination apparatus truly is. Its everywhere! And its growing in popularity because so many people love to use it. Imagine if google and wikipedia teamed up... They would rule the world!

1 comment:

Mike Current said...

FYI: Here are some of the topics I'll be discussing...

Wiki technology and the Web 2.0 movement have revolutionized the way business is done. There are many wiki solutions that help drive business and information sharing in general, into a new direction. This paper will discuss the evolution of the wiki technologies and discuss where the technology now stands. This will include discussion of various wiki consumer off the shelf (COTS) solutions and strategies for implementing a wiki solution. It is also important to acknowledge the strengths and weaknesses of the technology so security and the design strategies will also be discussed.