Which OS do you prefer for non-power user tasks? (Geeky enough for you?)

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Is Facebook Overrated??

Here is an interesting Time article on Facebook. Take a quick read. What do you think is it overrated??



Unknown said...

Thanks for sharing the article. Not sure if it is overrated (compared to MySpace) since a lot of people really do love it. Some of my friends started using facebook recently (to keep in touch with old friends & flames) & seem to enjoy it so much.

Cindy J. Lopez said...

Good question. If you would have asked me this before i signed up..i would have probably said yes. Now that i'm signed up...i'm not going to say no but i'm also not going to say yes right away. I have to admit that it is pretty cool and has some fun features and allows you to get in touch with old friends (as i did) but its not worth spending crazy hours on it like some people do. Its a nice to have to keep in touch with friends but ultimately i think it depends on how much the user abuses the technology. You can always keep in touch the old way...calling someone up. :)

Mike Current said...

Good points. However it does have a down side... In college it was a major source of distraction when people needed to do homework. Not to mention that some people really abused it and became total stalkers.